Preston Arsement (Video editor - Youtube - United States) earns a salary of KHR64,816,004,123.00 per year.
Video editor - Youtube - United States
1994, United States
- Annual: KHR64,816,004,123.00
- Monthly: KHR5,401,333,676.92
- Weekly: KHR1,246,461,617.75
- Daily: KHR249,292,323.55
From the moment you arrived on this page, Preston Arsement has earned:
Personal information Preston Arsement
Preston Blaine Arsement is an American YouTuber. His three main YouTube channels: Preston, PrestonPlayz and TBNRFrags, have a combined subscriber count of over 52 million as of October 2024.
This summary is provided by WikipediaForbes Jan 2022: $ 16 million
Forbes Dec 2020: $19 million
Forbes Feb. 2020: Top earnings gamers: Preston: $14million
- Picture:
- Text: Forbes
- Text: Forbes
- Text: Forbes
- Text:
For the picture, the full credits and the applicable licence are accessible via the source link. The only change made to the picture is the cropping of the picture, to highlight the person shown.
Update: 2022-1