Sexual Harassment
Sexual harassment is prohibited under the Labour Law. All employers and managers of establishments in which child laborers or apprentices under eighteen years or women work, must watch over their good behavior and maintain their decency before the public.
Sexual harassment is any unwanted attention of a sexual nature that takes place in the workplace. This is any kind of sexual behavior that makes the victim feel uncomfortable, including touching; unwelcome sexual jokes; unwanted questions about sex life; whistling; rude gestures; and requests for sexual favours.
The Criminal Code defines sexual harassment as an act when a person abuses the power which is vested to him/her in his/her functions in order to put pressure again and again on other persons for sexual favours.
The Criminal Code criminalizes sexual harassment, imposing penalties of six days’ to three months’ imprisonment and fines of KHR100,000 to 500,000 on offenders.
Sources: §172 of the Labour Law, promulgated by Royal Order No. CS/RKM/0397/01 of 13 March 1997 (amended in 2021), §250 of the Criminal Code