Telecommunications engineers

Telecommunications engineers conduct research and advise on, design, and direct the construction functioning, maintenance and repair of telecommunication systems and equipment. They study and advise on technological aspects of telecommunication engineering materials, products or processes.

Skill level: Highly skilled

Job Definition

  • Advising on and designing telecommunications devices or components, systems, equipment and distribution centres
  • Specifying production or installation methods, materials, quality and safety standards and directing production or installation work of telecommunications products and systems
  • Organizing and directing maintenance and repair of existing telecommunication systems, motors and equipment
  • Researching and advising on telecommunications equipment
  • Planning and designing communications networks based on wired, fibre optical and wireless communication media
  • Designing and developing signal processing algorithms and implementing these through appropriate choice of hardware and software
  • Designing telecommunications networks and radio and television distribution systems, including both cable and over the air

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