Ambulance workers provide emergency health care to patients who are injured, sick, infirm, or otherwise physically or mentally impaired prior to and during transport to medical facilities.
Skill level:
Salary Checker
Job Definition
- Assessing the health status of persons involved in accidents, natural disasters and other emergency situations, and determining needs for immediate and specialized medical assistance
- Performing medical procedures and administering drugs and other therapies according to protocol for emergency medical treatment, including resuscitating and defibrillating patients and operating life-support equipment
- Monitoring changes in the health status of patients during transport to and from medical, rehabilitation and other health care facilities
- Providing information and training to community groups and essential service workers in first aid for initial care of an illness or injury
- Attending and/or patrolling large-scale public gatherings and other events where health emergencies are more likely to occur
- Recording information on patients' conditions and treatments provided in medical record-keeping systems